We have recently completed Rent Reviews for two GP practices in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. Read more below:

Behemian Medical Centre

Blenheim Medical Centre

We were instructed on behalf of PHP, Landlords of the Blenheim Medical Centre , to carry out a rent review of the property.

We served notice on the tenant in line with the lease, and then negotiated with the District Valuer on behalf of NHS. Successfully, we agreed a 2.8% per annum (8.39% increase overall) for this rent review.




Whaddon Medical Centre

On behalf of a private Landlord, we also carried out a rent review on Whaddon Medical Centre. We were delighted to be able to negotiate both the 2019 and 2022 rent review for the centre.

Our healthcare team agreed a 13.51% increase overall for the 2019 rent review and a 6.74% increase from the 2022 review.

We are proud to have acted on behalf of the majority of GP practices, Medical centres and external properties in the town and surrounding areas, and have full and comprehensive details of comparable evidence, enabling us to put together a solid case to negotiate and agree the best possible outcome for the property.



We negotiated the rent on behalf of the Landlord, and ensured the Tenants’ rent was in line with the rent reimbursement.


For further information or to speak to our Healthcare team about your property please email healthcare@argroup.co.uk or call us on 01727 844555.