Our Planning team were successful in the removal of a 3 hectare site in Nuneaton and Bedworth from the Green Belt, securing an allocation in the Local Plan for residential development of 80 dwellings following written representations in December 2015.

Aitchison Raffety were able to convince the Council that the site lacked Green Belt characteristics and function, and that the site had strong potential to accommodate development.

Following our submissions, the Council undertook further work to update the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment using an agreed sub-regional methodology to understand the total capacity of the Borough to accommodate additional housing needs from Coventry. This resulted in the allocation of additional land within the Local Plan to assist in meeting the needs of the Coventry and Warwickshire Housing Market Area.

Having secured the site as an allocation for residential development within the adopted Development Plan, our team also secured planning permission and were subsequently  instructed to market the site by our client, resulting in a subsequent sale to a national volume housebuilder.



Expert planning and development advice

Our planning and development team are involved in a range of residential developments, from small, bespoke schemes to large proposals for housebuilders.

For further information get in contact with please contact Jonathan Weekes on 01604 979465 or jonathan.weekes@argroup.co.uk

Jonathon Weekes